Gel Candies “Mini Fruit Gels”
Probably the world’s most dangerous choking hazard.
Tragedy can strike when an object completely blocks the airway or after a caustic substance is ingested.
Until children are at least 5 years old, please cut hot dogs lengthwise twice; then chop into small pieces.
Until children are at least 5 years old, grapes, cherry tomatoes, large blueberries and chunks of mango should be cut into small pieces.
These may look similar to a coin, but they can burn through the esophagus in as little as 2 hours and become lethal. Please keep disc batteries out of reach of toddlers and young children.
Hard, round candies can be lethal if inhaled between the vocal cords (or beyond) or if swallowed (by compressing the airway from behind).
Smaller pieces of meat, chewed properly, are less dangerous. If meat is tender and mixed with gravy, it can be chewed and swallowed more easily.
Marbles can be lethal if inhaled or if swallowed (by compressing the airway from behind).
A happy celebration can suddenly turn tragic, if a popped balloon blocks the larynx. Hearing a balloon “pop” should prompt someone to find and discard all the pieces right away.
After a few hours of absorbing moisture from the bronchi, these can suddenly swell and cause complete obstruction.
Alkali burns the swallowing passages and sometimes portions of the airway (especially above the vocal cords). This can lead to airway and swallowing passage obstruction and a dangerous chest infection.
The presence of older siblings in the household increases the risk for choking, possibly because toys and other objects with small parts are more likely to be present and caregiving activities, such as feeding, to be undertaken by older siblings.[Ref:44]